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Leonardo Archive

Leonardo Archive is a fully DICOM compliant Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), that has proven its performance and scalability in big hospital environments and mission critical scenarios.


Featuring both medical image archive and multi-monitor workstation with embedded DICOM viewer, Leonardo Archive is perfect for small radiology centers and big hospitals at the same time. You can profit from its low hardware resource consumption and flexible licensing.


The main features of the application:

* You may click on each icon to view application screenshots

Leonardo Archive will be always up and running and the image acquisition flow will never be interrupted. All your patient data will be safely stored in real time.

The system is fast and lightweight. It can run in the background of your workstation without you feeling it, or on a dedicated server. You can store heavy BTO images, or normal MRI scans,  fast and reliable.

The archive has a built-in backup mechanism, so that your data will be safe on the long term. You can make disaster recovery setups, storage networks or simple RAID disk PCs.

Using its embedded multi-monitor DICOM viewer you can have a professional workstation to analyze and report patient studies.

Leonardo Archive can store multiple IODs, such as structured reports or embedded PDF files.

Fully DICOM compliant (see the DICOM Conformance Statement), featuring: Query / Retrieve, GSPS, WADO, anonymization, single/multi-frame and many more.

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DICOM Conformance Statement

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