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Leonardo Web Viewer

Leonardo Web Viewer is a web-based DICOM viewer that can be accessed from anywhere within the clinic's network and is compatible with Leonardo PatientStore and Leonardo Archive, or any other third-party DICOM compliant PACS and RIS.


It can be used as a Workstation, light PACS and even as an open platform to engage partner doctors from around the web. While implementing all the DICOM features, Leonardo Web Viewer is the perfect professional tool for your business.


The main features of the application:

* You may click on each icon to view application screenshots

Workstation software that can be used from any terminal. Doctors can study images and make reports. Technicians can publish images on distributable media. Partners can collaborate.

Web-based nature of the application lets you access your data from home, using any desktop or mobile device, thus allowing you to save time and money.

Layout of the viewer is highly customizable in a M x N matrix by users. Layout of the viewer is adaptable. The system makes automatic mammography counter-laterality or MRI grids.

LeoWeb integrates with any other Leonardo product through DICOM and proprietary protocols. It can work alone with existing DICOM software.

You can enable patient or study caching for improved performance. 

Reports made with Leonardo Web Viewer can be stored in archive or published on writable media.

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DICOM Conformance Statement

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